Cults, Scams | Bullying, Stalking, Violence | Scapegoating, Ostracism | Human Rights | Miscarriages of Justice
Prisons, Prisoners' Families | Disabilities | Mental Health Resources | Abuse Survivors Support | Anger, Stress, Trauma


Prisons, Prisoners, Families, Veterans,
Women, Prisoners & Resources
Mental Health, Vulnerable, Learning Difficulties
Book lists on Miscarriages of Justice

Tansal Human Rights

MISCARRIAGES of JUSTICE - Books and Articles - in Part 2

More Resources for Prisoners, Women in Prison, Prisoners' Families


INSIDE TIME Monthly Newspaper for Prisoners

Inside Time online http://www.insidetime.org/index2.asp

Inside Information http://www.information.insidetime.org/

Download January 2010 issue http://www.insidetime.org/backissues/January%202010.pdf

Useful Links www.prisonersfamilies.org.uk/Links/

HELPLINE for Prisoners' Families 0808 808 2003 They have access to 100 languages. Also provide printed resources



INQUEST - www.inquest.org.uk Free advice service to bereaved people on contentious deaths and their investigation with a particular focus on deaths in custody

UFFC http://uffc-campaigncentral.net

UFFC 2010 Annual march against custody deaths and abuses









COMBAT STRESS www.combatstress.org.uk

VETERANS UK http://www.veterans-uk.info/
Links Page www.veterans-uk.info/homelessness/ex_serv.html

VETERANS in PRISON ASSOCIATION www.veteransinprisonassociation.co.uk
Links Page www.veteransinprisonassociation.co.uk/?page_id=34
One-day Conference in London on 16th April 2010

VETS in PRISON www.vetsinprison.org.uk

HELP for EX-SERVICES in Prison

MENTAL HEALTH organisations

Mental Health Foundation http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk

MIND http://www.mind.org.uk
MIND InfoLine 0845 766 0163

SANE http://www.sane.org.uk
SANEline 0845 767 8000





PRISONERS' ADVICE SERVICE Links www.prisonersadvice.org.uk/links.html

PRISONERS' Justice Day - August 10th 2009, an international event to acknowledge and remember all those who have died in prison and police custody, visit www.co-re.org/joomla/

PRISON REFORM TRUST www.prisonreformtrust.org.uk
HELP for Prisoners & Famililes www.prisonreformtrust.org.uk/section.asp?id=18
LINKS & Helplines www.prisonreformtrust.org.uk/standard.asp?id=508

REPRIEVE - uses the law to enforce the human rights of prisoners www.reprieve.org.uk

RIGHTS of PRISONERS www.falselyaccused.co.uk/prisonrights.php



VULNERABLE people in prison

Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health


Diversion works, says Sainsbury Centre report http://www.scmh.org.uk/news/2009_diversion_works.aspx




'Alternatives to Prison' by Sir Anthony Bottoms, Sue A. Rex, Gwen Robinson

'Analysing Women's Imprisonment' by Pat Carlen, Anne Worrall

'Eve Was Framed: Women and British justice' by Helena Kennedy - prejudices, misconceptions, court procedures, media influence, stereotypes, which could affect any disadvantaged group

'Prisongate: The Shocking State of Britain's Prisons and the Need for Visionary Change' by Sir David Ramsbotham

www.alternatives2prison.ik.com Links www.alternatives2prison.ik.com/links/all.ikml

CO-RE Communities of Resistance www.co-re.org/joomla/

SMART Justice www.smartjustice.org
Alternatives to Prison extensive database of a range of community projects by region or category:
Women, Young People, Race & Justice; Drugs Drink & Mental Health; Community Penalty Projects;

Prison Reform Trust articles






'Violence: Reflections on Our Deadliest Epidemic' by James Gilligan
'Preventing Violence: Prospects for tomorrow by James Gilligan

Factors in violence - books & video for those who are sometimes violent, or angry & stressed

For scapegoating in relationships or in groups, or being pressured through dissing or bullying see videos on Youtube Survivorway channel, and visit 'Doc Matrix' site www.docmatrix.me.uk

candle flame
Christmas Cards for Prisoners


Miscarriages of JusticeUK (MOJUK) News Service

They won't be home this Christmas! - or any other Christmas!

It's not all love thy fellow man for tens of thousands of people who will spend this Christmas in prison.

MOJUK are in touch with 68 prisoners, many of them miscarriages of justice, many serving time beyond tariff with no sign of a release date.

Every year MOJUK asks recipients to send a card/message of solidarity to those who will spend Christmas behind bars.

Have broken the 68 down to 5 lists, so if you are minded to send a card/message of solidarity.

Just reply to this message and in the subject line put 'Subscribe' one, two or more lists.

Many thanks,

John O for MOJUK
Miscarriages of Justice UK

Subscribe to Bulletins: www.mojuk.org.uk



Resources for Prisoners, Women in Prison, Prisoners' Families

lady of justice

Action for Prisoners Families
Links www.prisonersfamilies.org.uk/Links/?id=50

Prisoners' Advice Service
PAS Links www.prisonersadvice.org.uk/links.html
PAS is an independent registered charity. We do not accept Home Office or Prison Service money as this may affect our independence. Information is available in: Chinese - French - Spanish - Arabic - Turkish - Urdu - Russian - Polish

PAS provides legal advice and information to prisoners in England and Wales regarding their rights, the application of the Prison Rules and conditions of imprisonment.

PAS takes up prisoners’ complaints about their treatment inside prison by providing free advice and assistance on an individual and confidential basis, taking legal action where appropriate.

PAS runs the Prisoners’ Legal Rights group, which produces a quarterly bulletin entitled ‘Prisoners’ Rights’. Membership of the group includes prisoners, solicitors, barristers, academics and non-governmental organisations.

PACT Prison Advice & Care Trust
Support for prisoners' families Links: www.prisonadvice.org.uk/?q=orgfamilies
Organisations that work with prisoners and their families www.prisonadvice.org.uk/?q=links
Information about prison; Support for prisoners' families; Support for prisoners and ex-prisoners;
Campaigning and umbrella organisations; Parents and carers; Drugs and alcohol; Emotional support
Money and debt; Housing and homelessness; Mental health; Victim support; Faith organisations; Restorative justice

The Griffins Society www.thegriffinssociety.org/ Voluntary organisation working for the care and resettlement of female offenders. Researches and promotes effective practice in working with women who are in prison or subject to criminal justice interventions in the community. The Griffins Society has a list of useful Links to a wide range of Resources www.thegriffinssociety.org/links.html

WIN - the Women's Information Network www.thegriffinssociety.org/win.html
Resources searchable database www.thegriffinssociety.org/win_database_res.html
Publications searchable database www.thegriffinssociety.org/win_database_pub.html
All the services in the database provide specialist support for women. You can access information about services in prisons and in the community. Examples of the kinds of topics you can search for include: support on practical things (eg housing, benefits etc), addictions, children and families, health (physical, mental, and sexual health), emotional support, domestic violence, volunteering and work.
Enter words that sum up what you're looking for in the search box then click on the 'search' button. Examples of search terms you might use are: housing, child care, counselling, jobs, education, benefits, etc. You can use more than one word to narrow down your search eg housing london. Any services that match what you're looking for will appear on the screen. Click on the title of the project for more detailed information. If you don't find what you're looking for, try a different word(s) eg try accommodation instead of housing. If you are having trouble using the database, or you can't find what you need, then phone us or e-mail and we will help you find what you want. Our phone number is 020 7278 8198.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, Stalking, Coercive Behaviour, Safety; BULLYING (including in the Workplace)

FACTORS in VIOLENCE - books and video for those who are sometimes violent

ANGER, STRESS, TRAUMA - www.tansal.org.uk/violencecoercive.html

LET'S REDUCE ABUSE - www.docmatrix.me.uk/reduceabuse.html

MENTAL HEALTH Books and getting the right help

SCAPEGOATING, One-upmanship & Abuse article

SEEKING HELP/ Self-Help; Books/ Links

SOCIAL/GROUP Aspects of Behaviour/ CULT related Links

Diane Wetendorf Abuse of Power site www.abuseofpower.info
Officer-Involved Domestic Violence Network www.policedomesticviolence.com

Also: Respond | VoiceUK | Ann Craft Trust | Victim Support | Samaritans | NAPAC | Women's Aid | Childline



For articles about disclosure of evidence and other issues visit www.innocent.org.uk/misc/articles.html
Disclosure, Problems/Help Miscarriages of Justice, Prisoners who maintain their innocence, Forensic science, In prison

Visit www.innocent.org.uk/misc/cr_erzingclioglu_fss.html for an article on the unreliability of evidence, by Zakaria Erzinclioglu - Science and the law: A cause for concern

Books listed by Innocent are at www.innocent.org.uk/books/index.html where downloads are available for some out-of-print books

Visit the Links page at INUK - The Innocence Network UK - www.innocencenetwork.org.uk/links.htm

Visit Sandra Lean's Miscarriage of Justice site:
and see the final paragraph on her article 'No Defence':

'Innocence is no defence. In fact, being innocent is one of the biggest handicaps to the defence of an innocent person, because their ignorance of the system and how it works is used against them, time and time again.'


Sometimes people are convicted because they made a confession about something they simply did not do.

Eyewitnesses often don't see or remember clearly enough to be really sure.

Convictions should not be made solely on one type of evidence.

In cases of miscarriage of justice, other things may be 'made to fit' into a scenario which other people come to believe is what happened. The more we understand of possible reasons, the less it should actually happen.

If you know someone who is in prison, try to get some support for yourself too, or a friend to back you up


Revisit for updates

Part 1 Human Rights Resources, Campaigns
Part 2 Miscarriages of Justice Article & Books includes Joint Enterprise
Part 3 False Confessions & Miscarriage of Justice
Part 4 Problems with Evidence, Videos
Groups & Social Influence page - includes social conformity, cults, beliefs, scams & hustles


Video 'Safety OnLine & Off - Young & Older'
Video 'Christmas - Season with a Pinch of Salt'

Video 'Let's Reduce Abuse'
Video 'Missing from Home/ Runaways'


Visit the False page at Whorls for links on:
False confessions, Eye witnesses; Miscarriages of Justice;
Allegations of abuse, Memories; Therapy Culture;
Finding Middle Ground, Mediation


TANSAL Human Rights, Disabilities, Mental Health
Miscarriages of Justice | Prisoners and their Families, Veterans
Problems with Evidence and Testimony | False Confessions

Supporting a Survivor plus Survivor Links
General Links,
Directories, Other information
Guidelines for Help & Self-Help | Mental Health Resources | Some Questions on Help

Group Aspects of Behaviour, Cults, Beliefs, Scams | Scapegoating, Abuse, Dissing
Domestic Violence, Stalking, Bullying, Coercive Relationships, Safety Videos & Books
Anger Management, Stress & Health, Coping with Post Trauma

Let's Reduce Abuse Link | Video Playlists on TansalOne | HOME

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